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  • Date Sunday, May 22, 2016
  • Time 12:00 pm
  • Venue Abner Clay Park

UPDATE: SUNDAY MAY, 22  2016 – From the Desk of David Fisk

Good News: we had a great day of music and dance indoors Saturday and we’re back outside in Abner Clay Park under the Big Tent again Sunday! Come check it out from 1.00 to 7:00 pm for beer, wine, food and festivities!

Bad news: it’s slated to be 20 degrees cooler than usual again on Sunday, so bring a sweater. If the temperature does not get above 65 degrees, it’ll be too cold for the orchestra to perform (and dangerous for our musician’s instruments), and the Symphony’s concert at 6.00 pm will be replaced by the heroes of Virginia Repertory Theatre, Elegba Folklore Society and the Celebrate Jackson Ward Community Chorus in a shortened program to warm us up and send us all home singing. Current forecast is for a high of only 58 at 6.00 – we’re ready for either scenario so bring it on!

Schedule UpdateDue to inclement weather, Saturday performances will move inside to Richmond Alternative School located right next to Abner Clay Park at 119 W Leigh St, Richmond, VA 23220. All performances from 12:00 – 6:00pm on Saturday will take place in the school’s auditorium. The Richmond Symphony’s performance will take place Sunday, May 22 at 6:00pm under the Big Tent at Abner Clay Park. Friday and Sunday activities will proceed as planned at Abner Clay Park. Click here for full updated schedule.

Additional Sunday, May 22 Updates: Beer and wine vendors have been rescheduled to Sunday, May 22 from 1 – 8pm.