Michael Cerreto, A Talented Mind Clinic

Michael Cerreto, MS, CPCRT, CSC, LDR is a Sports Psychology Counselor and Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapist with A Talented Mind Clinic in Richmond, Virginia. He helps performing artists at all levels improve their mental performance to personalize and advance their artistry. He also helps performing artists create well-rounded personal and professional lives. He has been honored to partner with the Richmond Symphony to help its youth musicians improve their performance and leadership. For more information, please visit www.atalentedmind.com, or contact Michael at 804-337-1884 or cerreto@atalentedmind.com.


Follow this link to listen to Mike talk with top percussionist Casey Cangelosi about the mental performance of musicians and artists: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKYUDxVIgSY